Friday, May 28, 2010

More running

Maybe it's getting easier, but I can't really say that yet. I still don't like running. I don't mind it if I can have a break of walking every mile.

On Wednesday, May 26th, Stephanie and I walked/ran 5.2 miles. I would guess that 3 1/2 miles were running maybe, it's hard to know cause we walked off and on. We know we ran at least 2.2 miles cause that was marked on the trail we were on and then there were other moments of running.

Today we went over by West High School where a trail for Iowa City/Coralville starts and ran. We ran 2 miles, then walked a bit, then ran a half mile, then walked a bit, then ran again for another half mile, which included a huge hill at the end and was super hard then walked back to the church where we parked. Total distance about 4 1/2 miles (3 miles of it was running)

This was hard and I wonder why it was so hard since we just did that 5K (3.1 miles) 2 weeks ago. I guess I still don't like running.

We are taking a two day break and then on Monday, bright and early at 8a.m. we are going to do our entire 10K distance which is 6.2 miles. Since the 10K race is 2 weeks and 1 day away. We will try to run the 3.1 first all the way there and then walk/run the way back. I do hope I can do this and I don't die. I want to like running and I want it to not be so hard, so any suggestions would be great.

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