Scott asked me back in May if I would register him for a race with a finishing medal. I told him about this awesome race that WE RUN, see link
here, an awesome running store in North Liberty was putting on the end of August. He agreed he wanted to do this race so I signed him up and started training him to run.
As the days drew closer Scott was pretty sure he didn't want to run. I think he was just nervous. A lot of my friends were also doing this race. Jason and Alyssa were volunteering at the race so they didn't run this race. Scott and I were supposed to run together, however when the race started Scott took off like a bullet. I could see the top of his head, but then he disappeared. Since this race is at night I totally lost him. I hoped the whole time he would be okay and not get hurt.
I ended up staying with Deb and her daughter Danielle to run the race since I couldn't find Scott. Danielle and I were determined to help Deb PR her 5k time. She did end up doing that in the end. Scott did a fabulous job and now wants to do another race with the whole family. I was so proud of him and can't wait to do another race with him. The pictures tell the rest of the story.
Scott at home all dressed and ready to do his first 5K. It was
starting to get really dark out and my camera doesn't like to
take nice pictures when it's half dark, so the lighting is off. |
Left to Right: Deb, her daughter Danielle, Me and Scott before the race. I don't have
my glow run shirt on because I always wait to wear the race shirts after I do the race. |
Scott and I before the race. |
Scott running in for a strong finish! |
Danielle posing for a picture with her Mom, Deb. |
Our friends Kyle, Lisa, their two children and one of their children's friends. |
Scott and I after finishing the 5K! Scott is a rock star and totally earned his first finishing medal! Way to go Scott! |
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