Friday, January 6, 2017

New Year-New goals-Reflections of the past year

I am a goal setter and always have been.  I like to set weekly, monthly and yearly goals.  Most times I meet the goals I set. It's just the way I like to live life, setting goals and achieving them, it keeps me happy since I seem to struggle with mild to moderate depression.  When I work out first in the day I'm usually super happy all day, when I don't I struggle all day, some days are worse than others.  Hopefully through working out I will always be able to control my moods. Given how much I've witnessed in myself how working out helps me feel tons better, like night and day difference,  I wonder why all people don't add working out to their life.  It's not hard, you just do it first.  Don't say you don't have time.  Excuses make you less likely to achieve anything in life.
 I like goals and I like to blog about my races and progress through the year with pictures.  This past year was a tough one with a divorce, and I met some goals and some were way off.  Given all that happened I'm glad that I met any of them.  So first I will put down what my goals were, what I actually did, reflections, set goals for 2017 and how it compared to 2015.

Goals for 2016 were
Complete a Half Ironman distance triathlon, 7 marathons and stay healthy and injury free. Run 2016 miles, bike 1000 miles and swim 100 miles.  

Totals for 2016 were as follows:
Ran: 1262.52 miles   (so I was way off on this one)
Biked: 797 minutes indoors =13.28 hours (on a spin bike)-better than last year.
Biked: 1248.87 miles Outdoors  (exceeded this goal by a lot).
Swam:  135,759.50 Yards = 77.13 miles   (off by 23 miles)
Sculpt classes:  191 classes
Walking: 200 miles-up from last year
Body Flow Classes:  10
Rowing machine 17 minutes
4 Zumba classes

Ran 10 marathons all in different states, 7 half marathons, 1-2 mile race, 7-5 Ks,  1-6K, 1-7K,
1-8K,4-10Ks, 1 Dri Tri (indoor triathlon of row/bike/run), 3 outdoor Triathlons.
The goals I met were: Stayed injury free, marathon goal of 7 or more completed by doing 10 and biking goal of 1000 or more miles outdoors by doing 1248.87 miles.

Things that surprised me about 2016 is that I learned how to be totally comfortable in open water swimming and then competed in an open water swimming race of 1.2 miles and didn't die.

I completed RAGBRAI-biking across the entire state of Iowa.

NEW GOALS FOR 2017: Complete a Half Ironman distance Triathlon,  Run 6 marathons in different states, Run my first 50K race, Bike more miles than in 2016, Swim 100 miles, Run 1500 miles.

How will I do all this:  Continue to have early mornings of training, continue to stay healthy so I can donate plasma twice a week so I can buy race registrations, stay injury free and add Yoga back into my lifestyle!  Go back to more journaling and weekly goal setting.

Always Love a NEW YEAR for new goals and plans to make it happen!

Totals for Year 2015 were these
Running:   1434.66 miles
Biking inside: 562 minutes
Biking Outside:  444.64 miles
Swimming:  149,662 Yards= 85.04 miles
Elliptical :    14.45 miles
Zumba class:  6.5 classes
Sculpt classes: 219 classes
Les Mills Body Pump:  1 class
Les Mills Body Flow class:    48 classes
Walking:  139.15 miles
Vinyasa Yoga:  1 class
Hiked 2 miles with stairs
1 Jazzercise class
Completed 7 marathons!

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