It was the perfect morning for a PR (personal record) in a half marathon. 44 degrees and gorgeous out, like no wind and a flat trail. Bummer was I couldn't push it, not at all. I have a super huge race next Saturday, one I made the goal of for over 3 years ago, the Air Force Triple. This is where you run a 5k on Friday night, then the next morning run a 10k at 7:30a.m. then at 8:30a.m. the Half marathon. I've wanted to do this ever since I heard about it 3 years ago, but I didn't have my 10k time under an hour yet. I worked on that for a long time, last year I did a 10K under an hour, then this Spring I did it again only a tiny bit faster. I have also been working on my milage to increase it so I could ran 3 races within 16 hours.
Anyway so long story shorter, I had to take it easy on the half marathon and not push my speed. Park to Park is my most favorite race of the year, although through the 6 years that I have been doing this race I have seen it decline a little. First our names are NOT on the bib anymore. I miss that, for I scrapbook all my bibs and I liked having that personal touch. The race director only orders a certain amount of logo bibs so if he runs out, or the race is overbooked then some people get a generic bib who show up to packet pickup near the end, it's not when you register, it's when you pick up stuff. Then this year he ran out of the really nice Custom medals, he had some really cheap ones made with a sticker on them. People that finished late in the race got a cheap medal with a stupid looking ribbon and a sticker on it. Not cool, so had I finished late, even though I signed up near the beginning of sign ups, it wouldn't have mattered. I felt bad for those that had the cheap looking medal, it wasn't fair. I am fortunate to have really great friends who live in Cedar Falls so they picked up Jason's and my bib early.
I did okay for a time, not my worst so I have much to be thankful for, especially since I wasn't sure if I'd do this race since it was only 1 week away from my big goal race, but decided to do it anyway and just have fun. Jill and I ran together almost the entire race and talked a lot. I had fun and enjoyed running.
Lisa, me, Jill and her daughter just before the races started. I ran with Jill almost the entire race. |
A bunch of friends from church that run!
Bib with finishing medal. |
Many of the Roosters. There were quite a few missing, but it was great to be with these fun friends of our team! |
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