Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week 11

Goals for Week 11were these:

Complete all scheduled classes, Run further than the week before, swim further than the week before, bike further than the week before.   Find a yoga class and do it.  Get on the elliptical and go further than last week.  Continue with eating well, as much clean eating as possible.  Try a new vegetable.

Good:  I ate pretty well, tried a new vegetable and ran 12.56 miles for the week.

Bad:  It was a rough week.  I didn't do all my scheduled classes since I was sick for one of them.  I didn't run, bike, swim or do elliptical further than the week before.  Heck I never even found a yoga class.  This week is pretty much a wash.  Crap and BAD.  But that's why I make goals one week at a time, so I only feel like a failure for one week.  This is how the week went and as I can see it started out amazing, but went seriously downhill after that.

Monday:  Body Sculpt, 7.21 mile run
Tuesday:  Body Sculpt
Wednesday:  Ran 2.10 miles
Thursday: Ran 1 mile, 1 Zumba class
Friday:  Rest
Saturday:  Ran 2.25 miles, walked a bunch, probably close to 2 miles.
Sunday:  Rest

Totals for year:
Elliptical 7.90 miles
Running 113.35 miles
Swam 11,867.30 yards (6.74 miles)
Body Sculpt classes 26
Zumba classes 12
Biking minutes 468
Step classes 1
Yoga classes 4
Nia classes 1
Pushups on toes outside of teaching class:168

So the new goals for week 12 are these:   Run, Bike, Swim and do elliptical further than the week before.  Keep eating well and paying attention to including ALL food groups in my diet.   Good news is I did start the week right with biking, elliptical and running so far for week 12, so if I continue week 12 this well, it will be an awesome week meeting all goals.

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